As you know, I usually don't just stop for the weekend without bidding you all goodbye, but Friday afternoon seemed to have had a downage for several hours, which severely impinged upon my ability to post meaningless drivel. The boss of things on the lovely island of Niue, Pixy Misa, had this to say about the difficulties:
Yuri (one of the three servers that runs on - and the one that hosts most of the blogs) has decided to take a little nap. I've logged a support ticket, and she will get rebooted shortly.Well, obviously it's back up and running, but I am so tired right now, as my dear late father used to say, I couldn't fart above a whisper. The garage has had some more cleaning and such, and I am once [this should have said "...once more sore and tired and dirty and..." before going on--apparently I was too tired to catch what I'd written. Ed.] dirty ready to hit the hay.
This is the second time this has happened, so I'll have to see if I can identify what's causing it.
Update: Back online now. Currently no clue as to what happened. The server was running, but not responding to requests. Log files don't show anything unusual, except that performance stats collection was delayed, which might indicate a runaway workload. Still investigating.
ANYwho, all of you have a good rest of the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 6, 2006 09:52 PM