...Saturday was spent--from early Saturmorning to late Saturnight--with a continuation of the Garage Cleaning Project. The only nice thing is that this week I had on different shoes, so my feet don't hurt so bad. Well, that's not exactly true. There is more than only one nice thing. I did actually get more stuff thrown away, and another load of things taken to the thrift store and did get more stuff organized. I am very close to having room to put another car in there. I think I need some more shelves to put the rest of the junk, and I'll be set.
How in the world did I collect so much stuff? I blame my parents, obviously. They both grew up in the Depression, and their families were pretty much left destitute.
They were so dumb--they didn't realize they were supposed to riot and burn down all they little bit they had left to protest their lot in life, or alternatively, turn to crime as a way of making ends meet. Silly people. They just worked hard and saved everything they could. Which translated into saving EVERYTHING they could, even after they'd gotten past the point of having to save leftover screws and bent nails out of economic necessity.
So, I grew up watching them carefully put away any little thing that still had some use, and so I absorbed that, as well as the idea that I should save stuff for which there would be NO possible use, on the off chance that I could FIND a use for it, or that a use would miraculously be invented for it, and then I would have it an not need to buy it.
SO, you must realize how very, VERY difficult it was for me to let go of all those small loops of old baling wire. I must have had twenty or thirty small rolls that I have accumulated over the years. I think I can remember using a piece to fix something exactly one time. So, into the can with all of it.
Well, all except for two short rolls.
I figure one more week, and a couple of sets of inexpensive shelves, and it'll be ready for its intended use.
I hope.
As for everything else that happened this weekend, there actually was quite a bit, including the always entertaining teen angst. But I'm so tired I just can't get up the necessary head of steam to jabber about all that. Maybe another time.
ANYway, time for work.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 8, 2006 08:24 AMDo you hire yourself out to clean garages? I'll gladly let you have all the valuable things you might find.
Posted by: Larry Anderson at May 8, 2006 09:23 AMGet thee behind me, Satan!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 8, 2006 09:33 AMWe don't have a garage, but you can come clean our attic any time.
Posted by: Jordana at May 8, 2006 02:53 PM