May 24, 2007

Aside from the wholly gratuitous...

...slam against bloggers, a nice bit of sleuthing from The Straight Dope about the recent spider-in-the-ear kid.

Having once been a member of The Straight Dope community before a) it had a server malfunction and blowed up real good, and b) they fixed it then started charging membership fees, I find it a bit rich that anyone from a bulletin board site would have anything negative to say about bloggers in particular.

Although there were a lot of good clever folks who frequented the SD message boards, the vast majority of people who posted were incapable of rational thought or coherence. This isn't a function of the message board medium, no more than it is of newspapers or blogs--it's simply a function of something we all know. Most people have difficult time thinking rationally and expressing themselves coherently. GOOGLE IT!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 24, 2007 03:51 PM