For those who have read Possumblog for a while, you no doubt have come across various comments and disturbances caused by one LittleA, weblog author and notorious punster. However, as you see from his blog, it's been a while since we've had an update from the Clan of the Aardvark, and frankly, I'd begun to worry about them. What if they'd run out of crunchy, piquant ants and termites!? What if they were roughed up by a roving gang of pangolins!?
Taking matters into my own hands, I bypassed Chet the E-Mail Boy entirely and personally sent a message to LittleA to enquire about him and his family. On February 22.
On MARCH 19, I finally got a reply! So, for all of you who've been wondering how things have been going, here is his reply, slightly edited to preserve everyone's anonymity--
Hey Terry!
Life is increasingly frenetic at the [Aardvark] house. [Mrs. A.] is still dealing with her foot and there is a likelihood that the pain she is experiencing may never go away. The [EAC] is finishing her sophomore year at college and still has the long distance [redacted]. We had to sit down with her in February and have a little "come to Jesus" meeting about school and finances and the expectation that she needed to step up her work efforts if she was ever going to get a car and live on her own after college - working 30 hours a week at a $6.50 an hour job in the mall wasn't going to continue to cut it. On a positive note, she seemed to respond well to that and has, indeed, stepped up her efforts to earn an extra buck every chance she gets - even working at said $6.50 an hour job over spring break. The [YAC] is working on getting her permit and, being a drama queen in general, always seems to have a problem with something. It's only a phase (lather, rinse, repeat).
I am working (or at least showing up) about 50 - 60 hours per week and taking a series of professional certification tests (only 7 more to go - as in 18 months) and still teaching Sunday School and singing in choir and playing handbells and... For an underachiever, I certainly seem to be overstimulated. Of course, to make things really interesting, I have learned to procrastinate everything until the very last minute so that I can maximize my stress. The big elm tree in the back yard needs to come down before it falls down (on my storage house, the metal shed, the neighbor's house, the power lines, my house, or all of the above) so I'm getting quotes for that. The house needs foundation work (everything is shifty in Texas), needs rewired, needs replumbed, needs reinsulated, needs... ::sigh:: The fact that I have zero ability to work with my hands doesn't help.
Anyway, even with all that, life is pretty good. I have a wife and family that love me, manage to eat regularly, enjoy working a Sudoku puzzle or two now and then, not to mention I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
I'm afraid, though, that I've finally given up on ALANHA. My new job just doesn't give me any time and I the rest of time I'm either too busy or too exhausted to worry about it. I still drop by from time to time, but haven't really been able to keep up too well. Thanks for checking up on me, though. I do appreciate it.
Say 'hey' to Goober for me. Oh, wait. I mean, say 'hey' to everyone for me.
Best wishes to you all, and do keep in touch when you can. And don't be afraid to tell your employer to lighten up so you can get some blogging done!
Now then--what about that Yorkie person?
Posted by Terry Oglesby at March 21, 2007 08:29 AMBloggers: people with too much time on their hands having the means to express their thoughts via the ether, looking for similar-type people.
Only known cure is going cold-turkey by cutting off computer access time due to excessive work/family/health demands.
Posted by: Marc V at March 21, 2007 09:59 AMNow Marc, that's just crazy talk!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 21, 2007 10:03 AM