March 21, 2007

Dr. Possum RETURNS!

It is an unprecented happening--that being that Dr. Possum agrees to return for a SECOND day of question answering--but last evening he received a special missive from The Land of Tomorrow, which meant that it was actually today, or yesterday, that the question was sent in. BUT NO MATTER, Dr. Possum wishes to ensure that no inquiry is left undone, even if they come from all the way around the globe. (The fact that Dr. Possum passed out under the Merganthaler has nothing to do with the fact that we still have him available today.)

SO, having given that bit of introductory exposition, we give you this:

Spam filters stopped me asking Dr. Possum this question at his weblog, so I’m emailing my question instead, even though it’s probably tomorrow or yesterday where you are and I’ve missed the Ask Dr. Possum boat.

Anyway: should I buy this car?

Yours in anticipation,

Kitchen hand

Dr. Possum responds:

Let's see--a 33-year-old Swede dressed in red with leather trim? Why, it's enough to make Dr. Possum forget his medical assistants who accompanied him to Cozumel! In a slightly more serious vein, it certainly looks like a worthy enough automobile--for those of the readership who use greenbacks and inches, the price works out to around $2,900 dollars, and the mileage to something like 136,269.2. That seems quite reasonable, at least on paper, and looking at only the tiny photos. As with all such purchases, it pays to first inspect the vehicle in person. Much in the way of dents and dings can hide in photos, and it's hard to get a feel for how it drives unless it's actually driven.

Dr. Possum gives a qualified "buy" recommendation, but reminds you that the last car he bought exploded.

SO there you are, Kitchen Hand! Let us know how it turns out.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at March 21, 2007 08:09 AM

I'm concerned that your conversion figures from Ozzie dollars and Ozzie Miles may be off. If you assume that these people are always driving on tomorrow (not to mention the wrong side of the road), wouldn't depreciation be accelerated?

Posted by: skinnydan at March 21, 2007 08:34 AM

According to this site 3700 AUD = 2,965.93 USD, and according to this site, 219,304 kilometers = 136,269.187942416 miles. I had used a different conversion engine for the mileage, and have since made the correction to that.

As for the interdimensional nature of time travel between Australia and the rest of the world, I think they are on the same sort of system used by Hollywood, in which all alien cultures recognize, understand, and speak English, measure time exactly as we do, and enjoy seeing female crew members in miniskirts.

Posted by: Dr. Possum at March 21, 2007 08:57 AM

As a non-car person, I must say that car is pretty gorgeous and drool worthy -- although I'd hate to drool on something so pretty.

Posted by: Jordana at March 21, 2007 09:16 AM

Ahhh--Jordana, although you might SAY you're a non-car person, your drooling betrays the fact that you are a Volvo person!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 21, 2007 09:47 AM

Having now shown the world how I abuse a car (or allow the rugrats to abuse one), you know full well I shouldn't be allowed to have anything nice.

Posted by: Jordana at March 21, 2007 10:22 AM

You have Justin, so surely you can't be THAT abusive of nice things.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 21, 2007 12:13 PM