January 23, 2007

And at an office in Harlem...

Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

WASHINGTON (AP) — If elected president, Hillary Rodham Clinton says her spouse and former Oval Office occupant will be a "tremendous asset," but she's the decider. [...]

...former President Bill Clinton reads the morning paper and a mocking grin creases his face, as he thinks to himself, "She's oughta know about tremendous assets!" Then, he suddenly finds himself in a much more contemplative and reflective mood, and begins to reminisce about other assets he's seen in his years of politics--some round, some firm, some perky, some supple--and sighs a contented sigh, ending with a quiet aside to himself, "Dude, I have SO got it made!"


(Thanks to Nate McCord for sending the photo of filthy hippies.)

Posted by Terry Oglesby at January 23, 2007 10:55 AM

Sometimes posts just land on your lap and write themselves, though the photo of filthy hippies is a good extra. They cleaned up purty good now, dontcha think?

You realize if somehow heaven and earth are moved and she does NOT make it into the Oval Office as President (pause at this moment for use of prayer beads, rosaries, or whatever is handy), she can star in her own dramedy show featuring Hilly as a senator/lawyer/forensic expert:


[Slick Willie could be the informant/sidekick, like Sugar Bear in Starsky and Hutch, only they'd call him Slick Willie - less confusion on the set that way.]

Posted by: Marc V at January 23, 2007 12:08 PM

Oh fooey, I just looked it up on IMDb, and it's Huggy Bear. Well, I was close.

Posted by: Marc V at January 23, 2007 12:16 PM

I am torn--despite the fact that I cringe when I think of the potential for the Clintons running the country again, one must admit they constitute a mile wide vein of comedy gold.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at January 23, 2007 12:28 PM