November 14, 2006

Lethealgia Relief!

I was trying to remember something funny that happened this weekend and it finally came back to me!

I remember now why it was that I had an easier time staying awake during preaching on Sunday night. We had a sermon on things people think are in the Bible but aren't, and one was the quote, "spare the rod and spoil the child."

That's actually one of Ben Franklin's aphorisms (although there are similar references in Scripture), but what made it stand out in my mind was that in a slight slip of the tongue, our preacher said it came from Franklin's noted work, Little Richard's Almanac.

After that, all I could think of was a flamboyant howling high-haired wild-eyed man, incongruously dressed in knee britches and frock coat, with tiny bifocals upon his nose.

I doubt that was the what I should have been thinking about.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 14, 2006 01:47 PM