Was listening to the Rick and Bubba show this morning, and they were discussing the political ads that have been sluicing out of our televisions and radios into our homes and cars like body wastes pouring into a sewage treatment plant.
For some reason, this year has been marked not so much by negative campaigning (which has always been around) but by the sheer stupidity of so much of it. I mean, in the past, they would at least try to come up with something memorable, but this year every ad, no matter the office, the candidate, or the party is exactly the same--"I am a good Christian conservative pro-life, pro-family paragon of virtue who loves everyone, but my opponent is a lying Satanist wastrel who murders hobos in their sleep for their small change."
So, you're left with two opponents saying the exact same things about each other. You might be inclined to say, "Well, they BOTH can't be right," but you'd be wrong. They're all a bunch of lying scum.
But how to determine which lying scum you want as your representative?
Well, the fellows on the radio had a good idea--"The Ring of Truth." Basically, they figured that since politicians are always clamoring to be on their show to spout their claptrap, why not up the ante a bit. If a politician wants to be on the air, he (or she) has to agree to a bare-knuckle fight with his (or her) opponent in a boxing ring set up in the parking lot. You want to call someone something? Be man (or woman) enough to stand out there and defend it with your fists, instead of hiding behind all these stupid political ads. Whoever wins gets the endorsement; whoever loses has to live with being a loser forever.
You have one of two outcomes--either all the stupid "he's a liar" political ads dry up quickly, or you've got some mighty fine entertainment. It's what you call a win-win.
UPDATE 9:24 Luther Strange (Republican candidate for lieutenant governor) and Troy King (incumbent Republican AG candidate) have both sent word to the show they are willing to fight their primary election opponents. Republicans running for Lt. Gov include George Wallace, Jr., Mo Brooks, and Hilbun Adams, and for attorney general is Mark Montiel. No word if their opponents will take up the challenge.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 2, 2006 08:50 AM