June 02, 2006

Just one shot.

Jonathan got a tetanus booster, but that was it. I surely thought I remembered the nurse saying they were all gonna get poked, but I suppose it's another one of those things I just made up out of whole cloth.

IN ANY EVENT, the doctor's visit was uneventful, mostly. The kids are finally old enough to not require constant attention, so I could feel a little less antsy when I had one down the hall getting his shot, one in the bathroom peeing in a cup, one nekkid in an exam room, and one patiently waiting in another.

All of them are in good condition, although each of the girls is carrying too much weight. Part of it's genetics, especially for Middle Girl, who is the most active and physically fit. Oldest? Utter lack of activity. She's not really lardy, but she eschews physical activity with a vigor that, if turned into actual motion, would give her a cross-country runner's physique. Tiny Terror? Part genetics, part too much snacking. She's active as a hummingbird, though, so it could be worse.

All in all, not the worst four hours I've spent at the doctor's office.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 2, 2006 08:05 AM