February 20, 2006

Time for Lunch!

Or, leftovers, as the case may be--i.e., stuff I forgot about earlier.

Just got back from going next door to get something to eat. You know, if it's going to be chilly, at least it could be sunshiney. Worst thing in the world is that cold gray rainy garbage. Although, I do have to say that such weather does have the nice side effect of making the panhandlers disappear. Only one guy today, with a shopping cart and apparently an invisible person with whom he was quite angry.

For those who wondered, I did want to let you know that the Fish and Grits special is $2.55 + tax. No, I did not get any today, either.

Let's see, what else? Well, Catherine did get her ears repierced Saturday night at Wally World. She was quite, quite pleased with herself, and this time they were actually the same height relative to each other. The last time (we think she was around seven), they were ever so slightly out of alignment, and although no one else could probably tell, it drove me nuts every time I saw them.

This time, they consulted Dad before boring holes in her head. I made the lady redraw the dot on one side, and after that and much holding Cat's head and swiveling it backandforth, I was satisfied. Now, they might still be misaligned, but since I can't tell, at least it won't bother me. It being, after all, all about me.

Anyway, she got a Certificate of Bravery, which she was very proud of, and which she showed (along with the ear decorations) to the older lady she's become buddies with at church. I'm not sure why, but Catherine has really taken to her, and makes a point of sitting with the lady and her sisters and brothers-in-law during church on Sunday mornings. I looked back there this past Sunday and Catherine had leaned her head on the lady's shoulder, and with mouth agape, was sound asleep. Such a kid.


I managed to watch women's speed skating last night. Why didn't someone tell me about this!? I tell you what--those costumes the Netherlandesian women wear, the ones that are orange with the black legs--wooo, goodness, they are quite fetching, for some reason. I think it's because they remind me of the boots Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman.

Second, last night before I collapsed in heap of exhausted blubber, I watched ice dancing. Yes, I know I've said I don't like this stuff, and I don't--it's just that I figure I should not like for a good reason, and not just out of laziness.

ANYWAY, I realize that the whole thing is supposed to be all graceful and whispy and all that mess, and I further realize that there is a limit to how much meat a person can have on him and still skate with some fluidity. That is, I don't think you're gonna see any guys built like an NFL lineman doing this. Meaning further, that although I'm sure these guys are strong, they still aren't quite the strongest guys in the world, so their female partners have to be pretty darned lightweight themselves in order to properly flit and flutter about the ice, and be heisted all over the place like rag dolls. (Even the scrawniest ones still have problems holding on, it seems.)

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, when I saw that American girl, all I could think of was someone needs to hold her down and get some cheeseburgers and milkshakes in her before she crumbled into a pile of bones.

FINALLY--it's "Jack Bauer Night," and I have but one thing to say. If it's not any better than it was last week, I am gonna boycott it. Someone needs to tie that stupid fat hobbit kid in a chair and stuff a sock in his mouth.

That's all I can think of right now.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at February 20, 2006 01:18 PM

The women doing the biathalon are much more my cupa than most ice skaters, tho the speedskaters are very cool.

Posted by: Tony von Krag at February 20, 2006 08:21 PM

Well, sure. I bet speed skating would be a lot more interesting if they had a series of targets around the rink that they had to pop as they went by.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 21, 2006 08:35 AM