In just a few minutes, the old odometer will kick over 500,000 page hits. In the greater scheme of things, that's not really a lot, considering how long I've been at this, and really, according to the Sitemeter stats, I'm actually at something like 511,000 or so, although I can't explain why the ticker only reads 500, but BE THAT AS IT MAY, it is an interesting little anniversary of sorts.
For those of you who have contributed to this event, I thank you very much for your continue patience and willingness to put up with a rather large pile of poop.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 02:12 PMI keep hoping there is a free pony generating all that poop. And I know some day I'll show up in time for the ice cream. Chet keeps stealing mine.
Posted by: Jordana at February 7, 2006 02:14 PMSadly, there is no free pony. We've had to tighten up in order to continue meeting payroll, so pony rides are now $1,700. And Chet has had to be reduced to paying intern status, that is, he has to pay us to work here. He will be soundly punished for stealing ice cream, though.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 02:18 PMPlease stop tormenting me about the pony.
Posted by: jim at February 7, 2006 03:04 PMI guess in the interest of full disclosure I should note that it's not really a pony, but rather a broom.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 03:15 PMBROOM! All this time it has been a broom!
I'm so disalusioned. Next you'll be telling me that the ice cream is frogurt.
Posted by: Sarah G. at February 7, 2006 03:17 PMI have ponies for sale, does that count?
Posted by: DaveH at February 7, 2006 03:29 PMMay I point out that all those hits are simply encouragement for continuing frivolity?
Oh, and I thought Frogurt was that guy with the nine fingers who went on a quest to find the Ark of the Covenant with Rudy (from the Jack Bauer thingy, not Huxtable.)
Posted by: skinnydan at February 7, 2006 03:31 PMWell, since the ice cream and ponies are fake, we'll just have to get that free Mercedes instead.
Posted by: Jordana at February 7, 2006 03:44 PMSarah, I promise you that frogurt is NOT served in our commissary. No one in their right minds would think that frogs should be blended and served as a tasty frozen treat.
YES DAVE! Your ponies would be greatly appreciated. As long as they are free, and you agree to continue feeding them.
And Dan, I have no idea what you're talking about. Rudy is now Raven, as in "That's SO Raven" and is really really cute, and would have nothing to do with hobbits OR yogurt, but does seem for some reason to have a love of Jell-O pudding pops.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 03:50 PMFREE MERCEDES!? But surely they won't keep her in custody after she whacked that guy who held her captive? I mean, Jack told her everything would be okay!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 03:51 PM