A busy overnight, it seems, of people with hard questions and a burning desire to know--so deep that they came to something called "Possumblog" thinking their problems could be solved. WELL, WHO AM I TO DENY THEM!?
So, first up, this querist who wonders: how do i get rid of mice chat room
Well, this might be difficult to do unless the mice have a chat server residing within your own home. If there is content you find objectionable in a mouse's chat room, if it's within the bounds of the law and the rules of the chat room, you might have no recourse. If it does appear the mice have overstepped the limits of their rights of free speech (such as engaging in libel or defamation), it's best to first contact the chat room moderator and ask that that particular mouse be banned from posting, rather than trying to shut down the entire chat room. If this is a problem with your mice operating their own chat room out of your house, you most certainly are within your rights to restrict access to their computers or even remove them if they are unwilling to abide by your wishes. If they persist in engaging in unwanted behavior, a small dab of peanut butter on the bait pedal of a Victor mousetrap generally will solve the problem within a few days.
Now then, this person wants to know: what are the best plants to obscure a neighbor's driveway?
As much as I hate to intervene into what appears to be an interpersonal squabble, it's hard to beat an evergreen tree-form holly such as a Nellie Stevens. They get big, and they're quite dense, and they don't drop their leaves, and they're pretty, and hardy, and even if you don't trim them, they look okay. Second choice would be osage orange, which has the added benefit of razor sharp thorns all over it, discouraging to potential visitors.
And finally, then there's this nice person who wants to find: full figured hooker clothing
Well, these are nice and come in sizes up to 3XL.
There now--I hope this helps everyone!
Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 23, 2005 08:38 AMOh man - you got me hooked!
Posted by: MarcV at November 23, 2005 09:21 AMNothing beats the arrival of the Cabela's catalog!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 23, 2005 09:29 AMSo much for my thoughts.
I figured the best plant to use would be a Pepperidge Farm Cookie Plant. Mrs. Field's will do in a pinch. Either way, you need to provide enough parking and room for the loading dock.
Posted by: skinnydan at November 23, 2005 10:20 AMSpeaking of full-figured hooker clothing- http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/music/articles/20993692?source=Evening%20Standard
Posted by: Nate at November 23, 2005 10:22 AMDan, you could always plant hollow trees and hope for Keebler elves--you get nice foliage AND their trucks take up a lot less room.
And Nate, are you complaining or complimenting?
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 23, 2005 10:38 AMComplaining, thank you very much. Not only is that woman talentless but chubby and unattractive too.
No excuse for all that falling out on a chubby chick.
Posted by: Nate at November 23, 2005 11:22 AMI keep thinking that I've seen it all, and I keep getting reminded that I haven't.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 23, 2005 11:46 AMre: And finally, then there's this nice person who wants to find: full figured hooker clothing
Well, these are nice and come in sizes up to 3XL."
But do thay make me look fat?
Posted by: Tony von Krag at November 23, 2005 09:12 PM