November 14, 2005

And to wrap up.

Odds and ends--I forgot one of the things we did Saturday. Looking at houses, again. Always makes for tense conversations. Reba loves to look at house books, and cannot quite seem to understand that we cannot afford anything pricier than what we have. And me, being stupid, had to say that I didn't mind going and looking, but we needed to remember our price range. Again, I am an idiot. Because this statement inevitably leads to pouting. As does my insistence that instead of looking at large expensive house that have fewer bedrooms than what we have now, we should possibly concentrate on the ones that have a greater number.

Yeah, I know, silly me.

While I was busily driving nails in my own coffin, I decided to go on and finish the job by noting that just driving by was pretty worthless, since none of the houses would be open on a Saturday. "BUT WE'RE GOING TO BE AT CHURCH ALL DAY TOMORROW!"

I knew that.

However, after establishing that logic is no longer in residence, I decided that I was up for wasting gas driving around and looking at houses from the outside. Which we did. Finally came to the conclusion that we'd be better off just adding on to the back of our house. Which also takes money. ::sigh::

Let's see, what else? OH, yeah, after we got back, and after lunch sometime, it was time to help Rebecca build a model of DNA for science class. She didn't know what to use, and I suggested using the gummy and otherwise useless Dots candy we had left over from Halloween. These would be the crosswise ladder rungs, and then, hmm. What to use for the long parts? At first, we were going to toothpick some tiny Tootsie-Rolls together, and then toothpick them into the Dots. Then we decided the multi-colored Gummi worms would work better. But we didn't have any of those. ON TO THE STORE, where I had to buy another box of Dots because I ate the only three yellow Dots there were.

BACK TO HOME, where it became increasingly obvious that Gummi worms don't work. I'd gotten the sour kind that have granules on the outside, and after washing all that off of the required colors of worms, they were so sticky they were unusable. So, the phosphate and sugar sides got made out of poster board, colored in alternating blue and white colors. Holes were made with an Xacto blade, opened up a bit with a toothpick, and then the toothpick-conjoined A-T G-C pairs inserted into the holes. After that, the pointy ends of the toothpicks were lopped off with wire cutters, the whole shebang was given the magical twist, and suddenly Watson and Crick appeared in the room to give us a round of polite applause. Not really.

A base was made to hang the thing from, seeing as how DNA is remarkably floppy, and she carefully took it to school today, promising to be careful with it and keep it in her locker.


I remember my locker from school. Somehow, I doubt it will survive for very long. But it was fun. And chewy.

Other things--well, church, and the kids had Bible Bowl, but we sent them on without us. Reba's guts had gotten gutitis and she was feeling poorly all day Sunday, so I stayed home with her and the two younger house demolishers.

OH, and I fixed our home Internet connection--I had an AOL disc and used that to get back online. Yes, I know. But it's better than that People PC crap I was using, and not that much more expensiver. That big ol' cable in the wall sure does look tempting, though...

ANYWAY, that's about it.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 14, 2005 04:29 PM

I’ve got an house idea. You could build it to your own design with you as the general contractor. Now that sounds like fun.

Posted by: jim at November 14, 2005 09:47 PM

Build his own house? Sounds kind of "Brady-ish" to me.

Even though we are not in the market for a house or even thinking of moving, Lady Spud still likes to go to open houses and just "look". Now that we have HGTV on the cable her desire to house shop has decreased somewhat - that, and my eye-rolling combined with groans whenever she asks.

It's one of those things I'll do if I really really have to, otherwise I'm happy here in my Lazyboy with the remote in-hand.

[Did you sequence the peptides correctly?]

Posted by: MarcV at November 15, 2005 08:25 AM

Yes, that would be great! I could do it in my spare time! That way, I'll have the next forty years to save money.

Despite the fact that I know how, it still takes money, and my current career is less remunerative than, say, playing in the NBA. Knowing how and being able to are sadly two different things--the old thing about the shoemaker's children having no shoes.

AS FOR PEPTIDES--sorry, we try not to mention the Tide in our house, and we're certainly not going to try to pep them up.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 15, 2005 09:17 AM