...in the extended entry for the Thursday Three, I have been a bit late getting my answers up due to YET ANOTHER stupid work assignment that will cause me more heartache and torment. Wheeeee! So, I had to tend to that to know what sorts of things I need to practice avoiding. And now I have a meeting to attend off campus, and I don't know if our departmental vehicle (a dashing gray '94 Ford Taurus) will even crank.
Back after while, then.
::sigh:: UPDATE 11:50 a.m. Or not.
Apparently the Taurus DOES crank, because I just went to find the keys--someone beat me to it. Which leads us into the next part of our fun series:
Upside of Carpooling with your Wife?
If she has the car, you can't very well be castigated for missing an off-campus meeting.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 15, 2005 11:41 AM