Well, okay. Maybe a little healthy fear is a good thing.
ANYway, sorry to be so tardy with your morning bowl of mush, but I had another stupid early meeting this morning to attempt to pick a color for the front of a building.
You know what?
Women are very sexist.
I swear, if I heard one more time about how a couple of certain women saw colors differently from me, and how they were right and the other men with me and I were wrong, and how we just couldn't be expected to see colors well because we're just genetically incapable of it, I tell you I was gonna swat them with my purse.
What makes it even funnier is that the developer already had consulted with a couple of designers about his color selection, and BOTH OF THEM WERE WOMEN! This seemed to pass right over CERTAIN people's heads. Yeah, I know--it doesn't match the preconceived narrative and therefore must be discarded or ignored. Not that good open-minded, diversity-lovin' progressive sorts would ever do such a thing.
And to top it off, I had to go back over to the Volvo dealership and get my parking deck card, and my poor ugly lump of iron was sitting there wondering why he had been left amongst a bunch of mortally wounded strangers. You could tell all the other cars had been telling him horror stories about having their quarter panels sawn off and their subframes sheared and their precious essences dribbling away across the asphalt. I told him not to listen to that garbage and that he'd be well again in no time. I don't think he believed me.
ANYway, you didn't come here this Thursday for all that sort of garbage, did you?
No, of course not!
YOU, gentle reader, came here to see the BEST of what Thursday has to offer as you await the return of the Axis of Weevil Thursday Three this fall!
So, without further delay, Possumblog presents to YOU...
Something so AMAZING...
Something so BREATH-TAKING...
That it may cause you to be STARTLED, and AMAZED...
Learn the difference between a DULL MAN and a BORING MAN!
Yep, it's just one thing after another, and perfectly in keeping with the high quality of entertainment we have here on Possumblog!
SO ENJOY YOUR THURSDAY, and DO come back soon!
Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 14, 2007 09:19 AM