June 11, 2007

Quote of the Day

"If you are going to be stupid, you better be tough."

Nate McCord just sent me this story from Out West, (MSWord document) and it's frightening, yet somehow the guy manages to make it sound humorous.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 11, 2007 09:16 AM

On the whole, I think a brain tumor was a lot easier.

Posted by: steevil (Dr Weevil's bro Steve) at June 11, 2007 09:30 AM

There is a decided lack of buffalo snot with a brain tumor.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 11, 2007 09:54 AM

I've had close encounters with the bison on Antelope Island myself while mountain biking but luckily I wasn't blocking some bull's one-way out path. And I avoided being trampled. The excitement of coming around a corner and discovering a small herd all looking at me suspiciously did spike my adrenaline for a good long time the rest of that day.

We've chased an agitated badger out of his hidey-hole out there at Antelope Island too some years back.

Like I said before, Utah's no place for sissies.

Posted by: Nate at June 11, 2007 10:42 AM

And now the rest of you know why I find it so fearsome to shout "LOOK! A BADGER," as a way of distracting you.

Just be glad I don't ever use "LOOK! A WILD BUFFALO!"

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 11, 2007 10:48 AM