May 04, 2007

Several Days Late...

...but the sentiment is the same, that being Happy 5th Bloggiversary to Marc Velazquez, who usually blogs at (which is down at the moment, so you can use his backup site). Marc has been a great friend over the past few years and I regret not having wished him a well on his ongoing blogginess a bit earlier.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 4, 2007 10:53 AM

Why, thank you! Hard to believe that it's been a half decade - what a long strange trip it's been. And yes, the site is down and I'm not sure why. I could be going back to Blogger sooner than I thought.

I shudder to think what work would be like without the blog-buzz. At least when you're typing on the computer you "look" busy, as opposed to the deep-thinking poses (i.e. napping with eyes open) previously performed before this Internet thingy.

Posted by: Marc V at May 4, 2007 11:46 AM