March 20, 2007

Maybe it's just me, but...

...the recent teapot-tempest about the firing of eight U.S. attorneys has led many Democrats and members of the press (but I repeat myself) to screech at the tops of their tiny lungs for Attorney General Gonzales to be fired.

Oddly enough, I cannot recall hearing a single peep that their anger is the result of racism.

I mean, William Jefferson gets caught with $90,000 in bribe money in a freezer in his Congressional office, and the moment anyone even mentioned that maybe he was a criminal, all the progressive sorts immediately threw out the charge of racism against the accusers.

Is it just that Democrats are allowed to get away with racism, or are Hispanic people just another type of Caucasian when they become Republicans, or are liberals just a bunch of excitable crybabies who can't stand the competitive nature of politics?

It is a mystery, I suppose.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at March 20, 2007 08:09 AM

Terry, Terry, Terry,

You are overly tired from your weekend or else you would remember that, by definition, one ceases to be a minority when one becomes a Republican or conservative.

Posted by: Larry Anderson at March 20, 2007 08:24 AM

Hmmm--interesting. So, in a way, you're saying that since minorities are sorely and continually oppressed in this country, the thing to do to stop the abuse is quit being a minority. Become a conservative Republican, and you will automatically be wealthy and powerful. Seems simple enough.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 20, 2007 08:33 AM

Don't I remember that Jefferson's frozen cash was actually stashed in his flooding house in New Orleans and required the services of a National Guard truck and crew for rescue?

Posted by: Nate at March 20, 2007 09:11 AM

Nate, I think the NG assistance was needed so Rep. Jefferson could recover a laptop before the FBI got to it.

Posted by: steevil (Dr Weevil's bro Steve) at March 20, 2007 09:19 AM


Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 20, 2007 09:20 AM

I wonder if Dr Possum shouldn't apply for Department Chair at Useless Men. Seems like a natural connection.

Posted by: Nate at March 20, 2007 09:53 AM

Possibly, Nate, although their work is entertaining and humorous, neither of which Dr. Possum is extensively blessed with.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at March 20, 2007 10:10 AM