March 16, 2007

Color me less than impressed.

Plame: My cover was 'recklessly' abused

[...] "It was a terrible irony that administration officials were the ones who destroyed my cover," she told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

"If our government cannot even protect my identity, future foreign agents who might consider working with the Central Intelligence Agency and providing needed intelligence would think twice," Plame said in response to a question. [...]

"Irony," eh? Not sure "irony" would describe how one Richard Armitage became a plural of officials. Could be that he has enough ego for several. As for the government protecting identities, it would help if information were kept out of public view. Such as asking that employees not publish their professional and private information in the latest Who's Who. That might help a bit. Just a suggestion.

"Irony" would be better employed as a description of how a particularly callow couple of minor goverment worker/socialites with gigantic political axes to grind are complaining about their supposed victimization, when it is almost entirely the result of their own incompetence. And their unwillingness to either leave their political leanings outside the realm of their jobs, or quit their jobs if they were unable to work within the prevailing political framework. Even Wile E. Coyote never stooped to blaming ACME for all of his backfiring schemes.

Then again, he was a genius.

Said so on his business card. And his Who's Who bio.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at March 16, 2007 12:16 PM