Well, thank goodness Birmingham came off pretty well last night, although I could do nothing but cringe that the first contestant was an Auburn student. In addition to being a crappy singer she had a crappy attitude. Sorry, chick, but you're not cute enough or smart enough to cover up your lack of talent. AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, please quit telling people you're from Auburn!
As my concrete formwork professor Vaughn Timberlake, a.k.a., "World's Most Brilliant Man," used to say, "If you have a formwork blowout, whatever you do, be sure and tell them you graduated from Georgia Tech."
Anyway, since I have to take off early today to go let the furnace repair guy in the house, I have to get to work and not mess around here and play all day.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at January 31, 2007 08:18 AMYes, your fair city came out OK. It was funny to hear the BigBird woman finally admit to being 50. At least you have LA-LA land following y'all tonight. I suppose living on a major fault line would inspire some weirdness.
I have a hunch the last guy, the cross between Jack Black and Justin Guarini, will get some prominent airtime in Hollywood, since he is somewhat entertaining in spite of his singing gaffes. And we all know that you don't have to be a great singer (ahem, Taylor Hicks) to win the whole thing, but you gotta put on a good show.
Posted by: Marc V at January 31, 2007 09:39 AM