January 17, 2007

Great Ceaser's Ghost!!

I've got a blog, and need to post something on it!

There's just too much to look at on the Internet, y'know?

Anyway, to kick off the day, here's a handy dandy Hungarian (!?) site that Jim Smith sent me the link to, and it's guaranteed to make you squirm uncomfortably before embracing your paranoia with a rabid fervor. I'm not sure what the actual name of the site is, but I figure Havaria Emergency and Disaster Information Services is as good as anything else, and it collects data from various government bureaus and pinpoints various disastery-type things such animal attacks or nucular plant mishaps on an interactive map of the US.

Thankfully, nothing untoward going on in Alabama right now, aside from it being seasonably cold.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at January 17, 2007 09:50 AM


Looky what I found via the Corner!

The Complete List of Everything Caused by Global Warming!

Including, under extinctions, the Pigmy Possum.

Oddly, nothing at all listed on Possumblog itself. I assume that omission is itself caused by Global Warming.

Posted by: skinnydan at January 17, 2007 11:12 AM

No, I just don't care about pygmy possums. I figure the less competition, the better.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at January 17, 2007 11:40 AM