December 04, 2006

A little help, please.

Taking a moment here from the relaxation offered by gainful employment to answer a call for assistance from fellow blogger and tractorphile, Dave Helton.

Dave has a client who sponsors a charity art auction for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Dave says, "They get artwork from kids in the local schools and auction it off and then match (either half or all, I don't recall which) of what's raised."

Since Dave has been doing actual work lately, he hasn't had much time to blog and as a result hasn't had as many folks dropping by, so he asked me to pass this along to those of you in the vast and mighty Possumblog readership. If you can help out a bit by bidding or by posting a link to the auction, I know Dave, his client, and the folks at St. Jude's would greatly appreciate it.

Here is the artwork site, and there's also an e-card that goes along with it as well.

Thank you very much.

Now, back to work.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at December 4, 2006 10:55 AM

Thanks Terry!

I hated to even ask, but I think this could use a little more exposure than what they've had in years past and I naturally thought of you...

Posted by: Dave H at December 4, 2006 12:56 PM

You are very welcome, Dave--I hope it goes well for them.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at December 5, 2006 09:08 AM