November 21, 2006

You know,

I really like the canned pork shoulder and ham product with the brand name Spamtm. I know some people don't, and for some people with dietary restrictions, it's a no-no, but I really do like it. But for the past two days, Possumblog has been inundated with comment spam, and it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and to make it worse,'s servers have been overloaded so that the e-mail notification has been down, which means this junk tends to pile up to the point that you have hundreds of spam messages to delete, and without the handy despamming tool you've grown accustomed to, it takes forever, and THAT makes me mad, too.

I hadn't intended on having Furious Tuesday this week, what with Thanksgiving only two days away, but @^@%!* it all, I've got my blood all angried up and I have to let off some steam.

I also would like to suggest I would be much less put off by looney Muslims if they'd do something useful with their mad jihad skilz and issue some fatwahs against spammers. Just a suggestion.

ANYWAY, do YOU have something making trouble for you this morning? Unload here your angrified rant, but please remember to not launch into a racial-slur laden tirade if anyone heckles you. Just remember, using @^%!$&&*! instead of the alternative will save you a world of apologizing.

SO, have at it, Ticked Off People!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 21, 2006 09:21 AM

I'm still *&^%$$^#&^% p*ssed off with not only the new reporting system requirements I got handed yesterday but also the new contract requirements implementation system that I also have to get registered for and logged into. Multiple signatures required from multiple locations, a couple new sign-ins and passwords to remember and no mention of any obsolete requirements that I can stop doing!

Posted by: Nate at November 21, 2006 09:41 AM

Why that's just #$%@^!!.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 21, 2006 10:07 AM

I'm just mad as all %^$#@ at celebrity losers who scream and yell for the right to free speech and then suddenly claim (as one D-list did in that article) that "free speech has its limits."

Make up your mind, sunshine. Free speech, after all, ain't free, and thus we need to decide on who's got it and who doesn't.

Posted by: skinnydan at November 21, 2006 10:51 AM

Well, he probably thought they were Republicans or something, and felt that it was okay to call them all that. Certainly seems to be the popular thing amongst the Kos kids.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 21, 2006 11:10 AM