November 13, 2006

Time once more for Mean-Spirited Taunting of the Opponent!

Yes, I know you've all been waiting for it! The week people all over the globe have come to enjoy as Iron Bowl Week, meaning that for this entire week we will engage in merciless, mean-spirited taunting of the silly persons who cheer for the Crimson Tide! Now then, to get us warmed up, a couple of oldies but goodies:

Earlier this year, the Alabama team bus was going to the airport so they could go on their trip to play the University of Hawaii, but they turned around and went home instead.


Because the bus driver saw the sign that said "Airport Left."

Heh--silly UA people!

Next, up:

Two 'Bama football players went hunting, and got into a heated argument about what they'd found.

"Naw, them's DEER tracks I tell you!" said one.

"They is NOT! Them's MOOSE tracks you ignoramus!" shouted the other. They continue to argue back and forth, all the way up until the time the train hit them.

Take THAT, you goofy bunch of elephant-mascotted nitwits!

::sticks out tongue::

And you'll get more of that tomorrow, and every other day this week, so just get used to it!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 13, 2006 04:30 PM