Well, it's a bit late for THAT, now isn't it? As I said back in Ought-Four, if you find yourself at this point and are still one of those folks who say they're voting Undecided (and for real, not just saying that to confuse the poll-takers), you just haven't been following along.
All I will say is if the national-level Democratic party had spent the last six years fighting the enemies of America with half the vigor they use in flailing at Republicans, we'd be in a much better predicament. There is nothing wrong with criticism, and the Republican party is not above it--IF IT'S CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I'm all for House debates on the best way to wipe out as many terrorists as possible, but what we have is one party disagreeing simply to disagree. Which wouldn't be so terrible if there weren't folks out there trying to kill us. I mean, my kids get into crap like this all the time, but only because they have the luxury of grown-ups in the house to make sure things actually get done.
Anyway, you do what you want to locally--let the Democrats and Greens and Socialists be dogcatchers and commissioners of weights and measures and constable all you want. But where it counts, when we still have a lot of work to do around the world, returning the Democrats to control for the next two years isn't the best way to ensure much of anything, other than elevating a bunch of snot-nosed brats to a position of authority.
Again, as I've said before, this is not because the alternative party has earned it or deserves it, and yes, for once I'd like to feel like I've not just voted for the lesser evil, but the shrillness and pettiness and silliness and general childishness of the Left has ruined any sort of centrist tendencies that might have once been found in the Dems. We keep hearing about teaching the Republicans a lesson--which they no doubt could use--but isn't it worth our time to teach the Democrats a lesson as well? Despite hanging on to the worst, most rabid anti-American fringe elements with a startling tenacity, even in the face of continued losses, you have to wonder how long it will be before they learn anything.
About the only thing they seem to have learned is to not talk about gun control. But this will last only so long as they don't have power. It still bubbles under the surface, just like their anti-military bias and their anti-capitalism bias, their belief in the primacy and wisdom of the U.N., their desire to join in with our enemies in trumpeting American failures and denigrating American successes. Should there be such a thing as a Speaker Pelosi or a Majority Leader Reid, look for it to come spewing out with great vigor.
We've got a lot to do. We've made it much more difficult than necessary because we've had a vocal minority clamoring for power at home rather than working toward defeating our foes abroad. If there is any message to be sent, any lessons to be learned, how about this--let's send a message to our enemies, and teach our enemies a lesson.
Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 6, 2006 01:08 PMSilly Possum - our enemies are those mean white Christian flyover people. Like...like... well, like you for instance.
Again, your cogent analysis falls flat on its face, tripped up by the very great difference between us & the left. They don't actually believe we have enemies abroad, except of course the ones we created by being all successful and free and all that terrible stuff.
You cannot expect a rational result from people who don't believe that terrorists are worse than Republicans/Conservatives.
Posted by: skinnydan at November 6, 2006 02:14 PMCURSES!! I've been found out! And I would have gotten away with it if it had not been for you meddling kids!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 6, 2006 09:05 PMYou're a fake. You don't even have a long twirlable mustache. See what those conservatives are up to?
Posted by: skinnydan at November 7, 2006 07:37 AMDoesn't having a long twirlable tail count for ANYthing anymore!?
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 7, 2006 08:17 AM