October 19, 2006

Why, if this is Thursday…

…that must mean it’s time for The Axis of Weevil Thursday Three! ::restrained applause::

We’ve covered so much together over the years that coming up with new and interesting questions to ask is something of a difficulty.

Okay, well, so that’s not true.

Thank goodness for such an excuse, though, because it leads us right into this batch of questions. Today we’ll be dealing with those things we tell ourselves in order to keep from doing what we should be doing. Take a moment to answer the questions below, either in the comments or by leaving a link to your blog, and tell us, please:

1) What is your favorite all-around go-to excuse for not doing things that you really just don’t want to do?

2) Is this excuse a one-size-fits-all sort of thing, or do you have one set of excuses for work, and another for social situations?

3) What is one of the lamest excuses you’ve ever heard?

There now--if it’s not too much trouble, or if you’re not having to go wash your hair, or if you don’t have a roast in the oven--take a minute or two and fill us in on your answers. As always, the game is open to everyone, so no excuses for not playing.


1) Generally it’s either wife, kids, or wife/kids. Which is not only my excuse for NOT doing the things I DON’T want to do, it’s also the thing that usually KEEPS me from doing the things I WANT to do. Not that I don’t love them all dearly, because I do, but when a person’s ideas of “fun things to do” drift toward the dangerous, grubby, or a combination of the two, there’s not really a good way of including the family in that.

2) No--my work excuse is that I’m busy. This works as an excuse due to a finely-honed ability to appear harried. Part of the success of this ability is actually being harried. It also helps to have a well-established understanding of the best time to go to the restroom, to always be seen carrying Important Things, and walking as if I had somewhere to be. My other favorite excuse is, “I forgot.” Again, convenient, in that I actually am forgetful.

3) Oh, I hear so many, but one of the more comical ones was one offered by the girl from whom My Friend Jeff bought his family’s previous house several years ago. He’d asked me to go with him to look it over, and I pointed out the doors on a couple of the kitchen cabinets had some areas where the door stiles had separated. The homeowner's excuse? “Uhm, well, those doors close together so tightly that it’s made the wood separate.” Gosh, just like global warming makes the earth colder! Anyway, that was pretty lame--it was obvious they’d just warped a bit--it DOES happen, after all--no use to try to pretend any different.

So, there you go.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at October 19, 2006 08:15 AM

I'm sorry - I would have been up sooner, but we had Bible study this morning and I get in later to work on those days (no excuse - the truth this time!)

Posted by: Diane at October 19, 2006 09:15 AM

You need an excuse for not doing something you don't want to do?

Posted by: Larry Anderson at October 19, 2006 10:12 AM

Oh sure--think about Mrs. Larry Anderson--she comes in one nice Saturday and wants you to lift the whole house up so she can dust under it. Not wanting to disappoint her (and simultaneously not wanting to do anything at all except practice on your guitar) you come up with an excuse that satisfies her AND allows you to escape her chore-assignment for you. Something like "I'm not Larry" wouldn't work, because she'd still make you do it anyway. Maybe something more along the lines of "You're too pretty to do menial household chores--why don't you go shoe shopping!" Sure, it might cost a few hundred dollars, but you still get to practice your guitar, and you don't have to figure out a way to lift an entire house.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 19, 2006 10:37 AM

My brother knows how to lift a house, or at least jack one up.

Anyway I'm up!

Posted by: Sarah G. at October 19, 2006 10:51 AM

I'm tired. To all three.

Posted by: Janis Gore at October 19, 2006 11:02 PM

BUT, thankfully, not too tired to play along!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 20, 2006 08:47 AM