September 29, 2006

From the "Sumthin's Gotta Give" File

Just noted this odd juxtaposition of headlines on the newsfeed:

Georgia lottery numbers 12:01 p.m. CT

Russia may reconsider Georgia troop plan 11:50 a.m. CT

Okay, I've said it before, and it looks like I'll have to say it again--one of you Georgias out there is going to have to change your name. Either that, or you media folks are going to have to start using "Republic of Georgia" for the one over yonder, and "Home of the Braves" for the one on this side. But we just can't keep having the Rooskies think they can just march troops into Georgia and steal their peaches (and lottery tickets) like that.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 29, 2006 01:06 PM