Since it's Friday, it's also time for all of the really popular A-list sorts of bloggers to take a break from punditacation and world-saving and show you fluffy kitties!
Luckily, I do have a cat, a relief from not being a really popular A-list sort of blogger.
UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't realize it but my 1GB SD card in the camera took it upon itself this morning to be filled up, and I didn't have time to delete some of the old ones, so the selection of pictures today is noticeably scanty. Apologies to fans of The World's Most Expensive Free Kitten.
ANYway, first up, what Lightning looks like VERY close up--
Not a very good picture, but he keeps moving. Time for some kitty tranquilizers.
Witnessed by the fact that after he attacked the camera, he immediately flipped around and attacked the downspout.
Then he ran away and had to be snagged out of our neighbor's shrubbery by Catherine. AND THAT'S IT--time to load up another memory card.