September 01, 2006

Now usually...

...I do my best not to oversell what you'll find on here on any given day, mainly because things have a way of getting all messed up and I fail to meet the high expectations that have been set. But today, I think even if it DOES get messed up, there's gonna be so much high-quality fooferall on here that it would charm even the most jaded soul. Lots of kitty pictures, scenes of domestic harmony, Catherine Deneuve, and The World's Greatest Sport.

Having thus built up the suspense, I do beg your patience in one thing--it does take a while to get all the photos resized and uploaded and junk, and then I have to go and write stuff to go with them, and since that horrible head trauma that I can't remember anything about, it does take longer than it used to to come up with something. So please, your patience is appreciated.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at September 1, 2006 07:59 AM