August 02, 2006

Who CARES about MATH!?

I just want to know if the guy is connected to the thighbone!

Via Steevil--famed NASA scientist by day, finder of oddities by night. Or during the day, too, when not playing with rockets. (And as Steevil mentions below, he stole this from John Derbyshire.)

And no, I'm sure the author has NEVER had ANYone make a joke about his name. But it does raise an interesting question for conversation--just how many people out there have surnames derived from body parts?

Posted by Terry Oglesby at August 2, 2006 11:14 AM

Forgot to tell you that was via John Derbyshire's July diary.

Posted by: steevil (Dr Weevil's bro Steve) at August 2, 2006 11:16 AM

Speaking of rockets, someone here has the license plate 'RCKTG1RL.' Of course it has the license plate frame that says "186000 mps/ It's the Law!" Somehow the windows stickers saying "Starfleet Academy" and "Vulcan Institute of Technology" were missing.

Posted by: steevil (Dr Weevil's bro Steve) at August 2, 2006 12:06 PM

Your task is to find out who she is and get her to come and be part of the Possumblog Army of Commenters.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 2, 2006 01:41 PM

Sounds like the type of girl who would wear a Physics is phun! shirt (the "h" is actually an h-bar, of course). For the sake of full disclosure, I once owned such a shirt, acquired no doubt at a summer physics teachers convention.

Posted by: Jordana at August 2, 2006 02:06 PM

Brainy chicks are COOL! And I mean that.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 2, 2006 02:31 PM

Physics is phun! I once upon a time, back when pocket calculators were rare and very expensive, had a circular slide rule that proudly proclaimed that very motto.

I never believed it but I could operate the slide rule and I loved the plastic insert card that had formulas for more problems than I could conceive, that slipped inside the back card. I wish I still had that little bit of my school effluvia.

Posted by: Nate at August 2, 2006 03:16 PM

Time to hit eBay, Nate! Just found a bunch, although I can't put up links because someone blacklisted eBay in the comments, but they ARE there.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 2, 2006 03:58 PM