July 26, 2006

And then...

...not only has today been devoid of content, TOMORROW will be as well, at least for the morning--I have to get Catherine registered for school, and so I have to go do that before doing anything else.

Downside? Yet another reason for my carefully nurtured readership to switch to more entertaining fare, such as listening to Ed Flemder's podcast of him reading from Loomis' Advanced Hydraulic Slurry Metering and Control, (5th Edition).

Upside? Large amounts of exceedingly attractive women.

So, you know, I guess it all evens out.

ANYWAY, thanks for stopping by and listening to me be pitiful today, and maybe tomorrow, if the Internets don't spring a leak, we might actually have some fun!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at July 26, 2006 04:22 PM