July 14, 2006


How'd it get so late!?

Nearly time to head out for the weekend. Looks like a long one, as usual. Tonight, though, some mindless escapism as we go take in Market Juggernaut of the Caribbean, featuring the non-anorexic Keira Knightley. She very well might not have an eating disorder, but dadgummit, I do wish she'd eat a couple of cheeseburgers and a big chocolate shake every once in a while. Eh--what am I thinking? If every woman looked like Jane Russell, life would just be so very boring.


ANYway, there's that, and it looks very possible that I might get to go have fun in the JUNKYARD again this weekend! YIPPEE! I love the junkyard. As usual, there will also be the laundry and housework to help with, too, but those couple of hours wandering around in a smelly, hot, and rather depressing place never fail to provide a nice pick-me-up!

Sunday, lots of churching up, as well as some meetings, and I imagine all sorts of other stuff on both days that will provide a full load of blogfodder come Monday.

All of you have a great weekend and come back then and we'll see what went on.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at July 14, 2006 04:35 PM

The temps are 'possed to be 98-100f here in North NOLA this weekend. That's a heat index of about 115f, I think I'll sit in the shade in my wading pool w/a mister spraying on my very white carcass.

Posted by: Tony von Krag at July 14, 2006 06:04 PM

Maybe it's just me, but I think I would prefer a nice young miss instead of a mister spraying water on me. ;)

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at July 17, 2006 08:01 AM