July 11, 2006

I tell you what...

...all this screwy mess with the computers--from stupid Blogger to my own kludgy desktop machine's maddening refusal to cooperate--really makes it difficult to be creative. Maybe I've just gotten spoiled, but unless I can just type as quickly as I think of something, and then punch "publish" with some sense that it will actually work right, the whole thing just gets thrown off. The first time through always seems much more humorous, but trying to recreate a post like that a second time is just about as anticreative as it can get, at least to me. All the spontaneity is gone, and that just spoils everything.

ADD TO THIS the dread realization that tomorrow is yet another one of those bi-monthly meetings I have to attend, and FURTHER that I've got to take off early today to go get the kids from Grandma's house so they can go to a dinner of some sort, and it just makes me want to just go sit in the park and yalp at random passersby.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at July 11, 2006 02:00 PM

So you want to go to the park to do the real-world equivalent of blogging?

Posted by: skinnydan at July 11, 2006 02:22 PM

ABC News is asking people to e-mail them and tell them how important computers are to their life...methinks you should answer!

Posted by: Diane at July 11, 2006 02:33 PM

I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I will go to my office for the first time since early June.

Posted by: jim at July 11, 2006 02:37 PM

Yes, Dan--I want to be free and spontaneous and slightly deranged!

Diane, they're more important than I want to admit. Y'know, being a neoLuddite and all.

And I think we all owe Jim a bit congratulations--he's been cooped up for a while with his busted ankle, and I know how much it will mean to him to get out a bit. Good luck, bud.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at July 11, 2006 02:49 PM