July 05, 2006

I thought...

...that today would be more or less normal. Oh, maybe "back from vacation" normal, but even that's not so bad after the first hour or so. But it's turned out to be normal only if your definition of normal is being staked to an antbed, covered in Hershey's syrup, and forced to fill out an environmental impact statement by holding a dull pencil in your teeth.

Why do people have to be so dadgummed dense? And why does their density always seem to have an inordinate impact on me?

Posted by Terry Oglesby at July 5, 2006 01:31 PM

It never pays to be the sharpest pencil in the bunch. Not only are you aware that everyone else is duller than you, you feel compelled to fix everything.

Our fiscal year end is 6/30- everyone knows they only have the next two weeks to get everything in and/or fixed for this year. Why is it that EVERYONE waits until now to fix things from OCTOBER?! Oh - I know - our office has nothing to do but be at the beck and call of the other 1500 full time staff!

The only defense is to become as dense as everyone else, and that's just not fun.

Posted by: Diane at July 5, 2006 04:53 PM

Mine was coming back to the fact that no one took minutes of the meeting I missed.


Just bein' real stupid like.


Posted by: Terry Oglesby at July 5, 2006 05:03 PM