June 08, 2006

Second Wild Ride of the Day

Just now got back from picking up Oldest at Cooper Green and racing her back over to Mom's workplace. She was much less impressed by this situation than she was with the nice quiet suburban hospital at which she's also going to be working. Seems that the food wasn't nearly so good (which was provided to them free, by the way), and the place has something of a bad reputation what with all those poor people hanging around, and she seemed frustrated that the orientation person spent so much time telling people it wasn't so bad, and she doesn't know where the time clock is where she's supposed to clock in. Should be interesting to see if the experience opens her eyes any.

AS FOR THE TRAFFIC JAM--it's still all backed up out there, and I imagine it will be through the rest of the night, and maybe even tomorrow morning. Eight divots in the pavement will do that, you know. Luckily, the mishap mishappened before you get to the entrance ramp where I get on the Interstate, so it means less traffic for me! And as we all know, it's all about me.

AS FOR THE FIRE--it's smoldering now--the smoke is still hanging around, but it's not nearly so thick as it was, and has changed back now to more of a light gray color. I will say this--the smell of two million shoes burning isn't pleasant.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 8, 2006 03:52 PM