June 07, 2006

I don't often play music...

...but I saw this story--Member faults how U.S. presents U.N.

The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations' No. 2 official accused the U.S. government of keeping Middle America in the dark about the world body's good works, a rare direct criticism that drew an angry response Wednesday from Ambassador John Bolton. [...]

In the speech, [Deputy Secretary-General Mark] Malloch Brown said the United States relies on the United Nations as a diplomatic tool but doesn't defend it against criticism at home, a policy of "stealth diplomacy" that he called unsustainable.

He lamented that the good works of the U.N. are largely lost because "much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News."

"The U.N.'s role is in effect a secret in Middle America even as it is highlighted in the Middle East and other parts of the world," Malloch Brown said. [...]

--And by jiminy, it makes me want to get this out:

tiny violin.gif

My tiny violin cello. I shall now play "My Heart Bleeds for You," and it goes out to Mark and to the the single most effective organization ever created by man for accomodating tinpot tyrants.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 7, 2006 11:33 AM

Let's see, hummm, sexploitation in African regugee camps, studying the tidal wave damage in east Asia while Australia and the US delvered supplies and saved people, stealing money from the Iraqis oil/food program. Is there something I am missing?

Posted by: Larry Anderson at June 7, 2006 11:53 AM

Yep. Providing soldiers to trouble spots around the world.

And arming them with slingshots and spitballs. While telling them not to use them unless REALLY, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, DEFINITELY necessary.

And then they have to ask nicely first.

Posted by: Skinnydan at June 7, 2006 11:57 AM

My heart bleeds chunky peanut butter for the UN.

Posted by: Sarah G. at June 7, 2006 12:00 PM

I see that you folks are a bunch of rightwingers unable to see the big picture. Of course, just this morning Elroy said how disappointed he was that "The Big Picture" was no longer being broadcast so it may not be all your faults.

Posted by: Cletus at June 7, 2006 12:09 PM

You mindless Rushclone Dittohead haters act like there's no redeeming virtues in institutionalized bribery, lawlessness, predatory sexual practices, paper-rattling, dissipation, and perfidy! Look, if each individual government had to do all that, imagine how much money would be wasted and how much more difficult it would be to accomplish!

Better to have a nice, central authority to make sure it gets done promptly and efficiently. And maybe get some of those annoying right-wing news sites shut down for good.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 7, 2006 12:10 PM

Terry, you never listen. That's the world's tiniest cello. You'd stab yourself in the neck, if that were a violin.

Posted by: Jordana at June 7, 2006 01:07 PM

I wondered why my shirt kept getting those tiny red marks on it...

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 7, 2006 01:34 PM