Maybe today won't be quite so full of technical difficulties, although it will still be full of nothingness, as I continue to have to do dumb ol' work instead of playing. Feh.
ANYway, today is also primary day here in the Cotton State, so I beg those of you in your respective parties to please nominate someone with a lick of sense. However, this will require you to write in someone other than all the twits who've been filling up the airwaves.
I will say this--the term "liar" has lost all meaning. A long time ago, someone calling you a liar was cause to step outside and settle the question with weaponry of some sort. As best as I can tell, in this particular election cycle, everyone is a liar, and a big one, yet no one has called for a duel upon the public square. Obviously, part of this is because dueling has been against the law in Alabama since the early 1800s, but I think the bigger reason is truth and not-truth have become meaningless, at least amongst a certain group. The professional political class are a bunch of cowards and mountebanks who couldn't find their butt with both hands, and frankly, have no honor amongst them which could ever be insulted in the first place.
But, hey--human nature and all--it's been this way since the first caveman figured out he could impress his tribesmen and be chief when he boasted of killing more musk oxen than his opponent. And then his opponent asked how this could be when he spent every hunt hiding behind a rock. Which was answered by a claim by the first guy that he wasn't hiding, but merely stalking, and anyway, at least HE didn't wear frilly underwear and contribute to the ACLU. At least back then they had sense enough to settle it with clubs.
SO, anyway, go out and decide who I get to vote against come November!
Posted by Terry Oglesby at June 6, 2006 08:31 AMLee headed off to the polls this morning armed with the list of judge candidates to votes against. She told me before leaving that if she gets one piece of mail from the Republican Party, she's killing me. Of course it won't be in a duel.
Posted by: Larry Anderson at June 6, 2006 09:43 AMHas your home phone been RINGING OFF THE HOOK with phone calls from these "twits"?
IF THERE ARE ANY POLITICIANS READING THIS (probably not since they wouldn't have the good sense to read Possumblog): If you or one of your minions calls me with a campaign-related message, you will NOT get my vote. I don't care if you're George Washington or Abraham Lincoln--don't call me!!
Posted by: Stan at June 6, 2006 09:45 AMLarry, you better just make sure you get to the box before she does.
And Stan, we do get the calls, and I hang up as soon as I know who it is. I'm at a loss to see how all these mailers and phone calls help any candidate--they're like spam, without the benefit of finding that one person you can scam into giving over all your money. For the most part, you're still only getting one vote per person. Mostly.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 6, 2006 10:04 AMI love not having a land line.
I have this policy that anyone who leaves garbage in my front yard doesn't get a vote from me. My mailbox is on my front porch, so the campaigners decide just to dump the flyers IN THE YARD like trash since there is no mailbox on the curb.
This year, however, I decided to revoke that policy. I decided that leaving garbage in my yard (Jim Carns) is a much more forgiveable offense than (1) raising the sales tax without voter representation (2) playing a significant part in the JeffCo sewer scam and (3) helping Larry Langford with his moronic ideas (that would be the lovely Gary White).
I'd much rather see Jimmy and Gary fight it out in a steel cage.
With sharks.
But that's probably just me.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 6, 2006 10:59 AMGiven the option of calling them regularly "a bunch of cowards and mountebanks who couldn't find their butt with both hands", I think Liar is an acceptable substitute. At least in polite company.
Given the choice, the epithet I would use is "unemployed"
Posted by: Skinnydan at June 6, 2006 12:55 PMI suppose on some level we should be grateful to them--they do jobs regular Americans won't do. Yes, they're a drag on the economy, and it's annoying to see them standing on streetcorners waiting for limos to come around and hire them for an afternoon of graft, but there are so many of them now that deportation just isn't a plausible option. I suggest building a fence around the Capitol.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 6, 2006 01:22 PMTo keep us out or them in?
Posted by: Skinnydan at June 6, 2006 01:46 PMWhatever--just as long as they quit standing around in big groups scowling at me and jabbering in whatever language that is they speak.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at June 6, 2006 02:00 PM