May 19, 2006

On then, to the weekend.

I realize it's a bit early to be closing up shop, but I'm sleepy and that's never good for blogging, so I'll go ahead and turn off the lights and turn the Closed sign over.

Fun stuff this weekend? Grass cutting, more garage cleaning, church barbecue, and looking around at the hardware story to see if if I can figure out a way to rig up a small pen on the back porch to contain...

a kitty.

Heaven help me.

One of Ashley's teachers at school has a mama cat who had babies, and ever since then Ashley has been badgering us to let her get one. All in all, a terrible idea, especially given her inability to take care of her own room, much less an animal. "I promise I'll take care of it," she whines. And my internal monologue asks, "How!? Are you gonna throw it in the floor and kick it under your bed like you do all the stuff in your room!?"

So far, that hasn't blurted out of me, but it's gotten close.

Anyway, at least with a cat, I wouldn't have to fence in the whole backyard like I would if we got a dog, and since Oldest is going to be home some during the summer (even though she did manage to find a summer volunteer post at a local hospital, which was completely unexpected) it's not like she wouldn't be around, at least some. Of course, once the novelty wears off, and she realizes that cats are much more particular about whom they call friends, and once she's through trying to pretend to take care of it, well, hopefully it will be old enough by then to be able to fend well enough for itself.

It's still not a done deal at this time--we still have to see if the teacher has any toms available. Why? Because I'm a tightwad. It's just a whole lot easier (read "cheaper") to fix a tom than it is to open up a female.

And then there is the issue of just exactly what will be expected of the kitty's nominal owner--I am of a mind to make her sign a contract spelling out all the things she'll be expected to do to take care of it. Not that I expect compliance. It's basically one of those quixotic UN diplomacy-type deals where at least one of us goes in knowing it will get broken. There are other parties involved, though, who would actually be much better at fulfilling the terms and obligations and would dearly love to have a kitty of their own, so I figure that should give her some added incentive to uphold her part of the deal. Or not. Who knows.

Anyway, we'll just see what happens. All of you have a good weekend, and Lord willing I'll see you all back here again bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday morning.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 19, 2006 04:16 PM

The only downside to a tom is the tendency to mark their territory; and tomcat pee smells worse than girlcat pee. Hopefully you'll be able to get the kitten fixed before it starts to do it.

Posted by: Leah at May 21, 2006 12:05 PM

Certainly intend to--back when I was younger, all we ever had was toms, so I know the smell you're talking about.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 22, 2006 08:04 AM