May 19, 2006


Via Skillzy (who is trying to get a butt-kicking not only from Kentuckians but also from Soul Patrollers), this really neat and cool and handy set of silly image tools from Flickr. What's even better is that you don't have to have a Flickr account to use them--nothing wrong with having an account, obviously, but you know how some people are about not letting you play with their toys.

I sense much wasted time coming up in the near future...

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 19, 2006 10:44 AM

I know the answer to what goes with BBQ - MORE BBQ!


Posted by: Skinnydan at May 19, 2006 11:16 AM

Nicely done!

Sweet tea and baked beans go with BBQ. So does white bread. Don't forget the slaw and pickles (pronounced peekles).

Posted by: skillzy at May 19, 2006 12:43 PM

Right, both Dan AND Skillzy. The only thing that doesn't go good with barbecue is mean people.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 19, 2006 01:08 PM

LittleA, being a Texan and all, would probably say his BBQ is better than your BBQ.

Posted by: Jordana at May 19, 2006 02:20 PM

Well, then--he'd just be being mean, and that doesn't go good with barbecue, so therefore his would be not as good by default. So there.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 19, 2006 02:24 PM