May 17, 2006

You know what's worse than a filmstrip about gingivitis?

Finding out that danged-fool Chet the E-Mail Boy fell and broke the projector, and so now we'll have to sit here and not have ANYthing to talk about! And he has the nerve to complain about his hip hurting! SHEESH!

Anyway, I only had one suggestion sent to me yesterday for a topic of discussion, from Tex who suggested: "Teen Angst! We still haven't heard about teen angst and how it associates with Mother's Day. Those are always informative for those of us beginning to rear our own Teens. :)"

Uhm. No. As I told her in a much longer and more detailed fashion, this past weekend's frivolities have not yet reached that ripeness that you wish for when you say, "you know, some day we'll look back on this and laugh." I can't review them without a great deal of bafflement and anger, so it's best not to put them to pixels. Other than to say that she's been taught better.

So, no gingivitis, and no tips on dealing with hormone-driven psychopathy.

GOOD THING THERE'S STEEVIL, famous NASA rocket scientist and trepanning aficianado, who sends along several news stories this morning.

First, from this Washington Post article about Bill Cosby's speaking tour, what Steevil describes as the "best quote by person with best name":

[...] "The coroner, Marie-Lydie Y. Pierre-Louis, issued a warning to teenagers who don't get their diploma: "There's one waiting for you at the office of the medical examiner. It's a death certificate." [...]

I wonder what the Y stands for?

Steevil also sends along this item from a Livejournalist by the handle of "holyoffice," who was so taken aback by a mainstream journalist's inability to grasp basic differences in history and theology that he wrote a very handy (although highly irreverent and sure to cause him to have to do much explaining at the gates of pearl) guide to Christianity for those in the media and the society at large who don't want to have to go to all the trouble to read large books. We wish holyoffice great success in his stated desire of using the guide as a springboard to obtaining a position as a terrible theologian at Harvard Divinity School. It is a crowded field, I have heard.

Finally, Steevil sends along this link to Dr. Helen's discussion on helicopter parents, in which he found this jewel of a quote from one of her commentors:

[…] jaycurrie said...

At the playgroup my wife takes our 2 and 5 year old to there are a lot of sub Gen-X mums wandering about in capris who go nuts if one of our boys goes outside to the fenced playground unattended. They also go nuts if one little boy points a stick at another.

One dear heart, watching her boy playing with ours in a pretty rough and tumble way, remarked to Susan, "I don't know where he gets this energy. We're against the Iraq war."

These are helos on the pad. […]

Heh. Indeed.

I think of myself more as a black helicopter parent--I think everything is a conspiracy by elements of the government to undermine my parental authority.

DING-DING-DING!! LATE BREAKING TOPIC SUGGESTION!! Thank goodness for Jordana, who is not only pregnant with a baby, but with ideas:

Assuming you weren't an architect and were considering putting an addition on your house -- how much would you spend on an architect to make sure you got a useful and attractive addition that didn't look really stupid?

And/or what do you do when you and your spouse disagree about what looks stupid?

OOOoooo--good question, which deserves its own entry. Give me a minute and I'll be right back. I also have to get a heating pad for Chet so he'll stop moaning.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 17, 2006 10:10 AM