May 09, 2006

Jack Bauer Update!

Well, I seemed to have gotten the meeting time wrong. Instead of it being 6:30 to 8:00, it was 7:00 to 8:30. And we didn't get home until 9:00. From what I heard from the girls, Jack landed the plane, President Machiavelli doesn't have the guts to do the right thing, the Homeland Security Weasel Guy is in on the whole scheme, and someone erased something Chloe was working on.

BUT, in the greater scheme of things, I am not upset because Boy had an enjoyable time.

I thought at first he wasn't going to get to go because we'd told him to make sure he had all his homework done, and when I got to Grandmom's to pick up Ashley, he popped up and said he'd forgotten part of his assignment and left it at school, and that he was going to have to type it up to hand in today.

Which meant we had to take him with us, make a detour to swing by the middle school, let him run in to his locker and get his paper, then make the jaunt to Clay, wait there for a long time, then come BACK to Grandmom's to pick up the other kids since Mom wasn't home from work yet, then go home and start typing up his paper for him, since he doesn't know how to type (and yes, he WILL learn how). I got through about 15 minutes before time to go, and Reba still was not home, so I wound up taking him down to the meeting house along with Catherine, who by this time had already bathed and gotten her pajamas on. I would have left her with the two older girls, but past experience has shown that's about like suspending a plastic jug of gasoline above a fire.

We made it to the meeting about 10 minutes late, but at least we weren't the latest to arrive, and luckily Reba got there not too much later to take Wild Child off my hands and to give me some sugar.

The boys are a raucous bunch, but they will get quiet if the Scout leader raises three fingers. Which he had to do a lot. They played some games, talked about lightning safety, and basically jabbered like a roomful of macaques. And as I said, Boy seemed to have a good time, and already has a couple of friends in the troop, so I guess it's time to go hit the Scout Store and start stocking up on stuff again.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at May 9, 2006 08:30 AM

Of course, if you teach him to type, you're just dooming him to spend his adult life typing things up for other people who refuse to learn how to do it.

Break the cycle, Terry! Let the last minute, 11th hour QWERTYing end with this generation!

Posted by: Skinnydan at May 9, 2006 11:24 AM

I figure I've already doomed the world by procreating already, so I might as well pass on all my other wonderful traits.

Next--thunderous flatulence!

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 9, 2006 11:30 AM


Posted by: Sarah G. at May 9, 2006 12:34 PM

Hey, just wait until he's ready for the REALLY disgusting traits...

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 9, 2006 12:56 PM

And here I am with three boys and only one girl. And oddly enough she is the most disgusting one of the bunch. She sits across from her 7 yo brother at the dinner table and she regularly revolts him. Now that is talent.

Posted by: Sarah G. at May 9, 2006 01:16 PM

The only question is who she takes after, Mom or Dad?

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at May 9, 2006 01:19 PM

Neither, she is a creation solely unto herself. Although I will allow her stubbornness came from me.

Posted by: Sarah G. at May 9, 2006 01:27 PM