March 02, 2006

Well, at least not EVERYONE thinks I'm old.

Got home last night from church and set in to do some computing stuff for Rebecca, so we'd flipped the television on and were watching the tailend of American Idol Guy Night, and they had the recap with Taylor Hicks singing "Easy" and I launched into my own version. Although I make fun of the way I sing, I actually can sing well enough to keep from getting killed if sometime in the future I was captured by Islamic terrorist who threatened to hack me to pieces if I didn't sing "Easy" the way Lionel does, may peace be upon him. So, anyway, I sang a bit and Rebecca, who was sitting in the floor watching the television (instead of helping me do all her work for her) piped up and said, "Daddy! YOU should be on American Idol, not those guys!"

"Nowww, Bec, you know I'm too ol--"

"YES, I know, you say 'I'm too old' but I don't think you are!"


Makes having to do a travel brochure on New Mexico for her social studies class much more bearable.

Hmm. You don't think she was just trying to butter me up, do you?


Posted by Terry Oglesby at March 2, 2006 01:29 PM