February 07, 2006

A time and a place for everything, folks--

Judge apologizes for Super Bowl cheer

TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — The judge who led her courtroom in a Super Bowl cheer before a manslaughter sentencing hearing has issued an apology to the victim's family, prosecutors and others in the court.

Pierce County Superior Court Judge Beverly G. Grant had said she was just trying to ease tensions Friday when she asked everyone to say "Go Seahawks" before starting the hearing.

On Monday, after drawing heavy criticism, Grant said she never meant to hurt anyone's feelings and issued the apology. [...]

Madame, Night Court was taken off the air a long time ago. And trust me, you're not Harry Anderson.

Just remember the old stage adage, "Dying is easy -- COMEDY is hard."

Posted by Terry Oglesby at February 7, 2006 09:39 AM