February 01, 2006

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Or, in our case, it's one thing AND another, and then three more, and then there's a clown on a unicycle juggling two live rattlesnakes and a stick of dynamite.

First thing, found out Catherine's previous ear, nose, and throat guy had started his own practice, so we had to see a different doc, which was okay because he's a nice guy, but we had to catch him up on what all had been done before, so there was that. Fever of 100.6, and found out that both of her ears are infected, but one is a more or less common-looking type, and the right ear appears to be a completely different kind. Got a script for Zithromax which is supposed to clear up both. "Supposed to" being the operative words. Follow up in ten days.

Got back to home and stopped in to get her medicine, and found out the prescription for my medicine I had called in last week was still not there, because it was backordered. Oddly enough, they had enough to give me a couple of loaners until the real stuff came in. Why they can't just go ahead and give me a whole bottle of loaners, I don't know. Also got Cat a Yoohoo, because she looked so pitiful.

On then to the print shop to look at invitations--and yes, believe it or not, I left Catherine in the van because I was only going to run in for a minute. Thirty minutes later I got finished up looking and pricing and such and ran back outside to see her fast asleep in her seat.

On to pick up the other kids from Grandma's, on to home, found out Rebecca has an assignment to create a travel brochure for her social studies class on the exciting and beautiful island kingdom of Bahrain. And that she had only just started it, and didn't really know what to do. And we needed supper fixed. And Reba was still stuck in a meeting. And I still had a huge stack of correspondence I had to finish up from work yesterday that didn't get done.

Somehow, most of it got done.

Aside from formatting a travel brochure about Bahrain.

Which someone will get to do in his spare time.

So, anyway, please excuse me if today I appear to be a) distracted, b) unconscious, c) rude, d) crazed, e) unkempt, and/or f) forgetful.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 08:34 AM

Bahrain actually is a rather pretty place, compared to everywhere else around it. Its basically a vacation hotspot where Saudis run off to to drink and play when the kingdom gets a little too restrictive. There are loads of beach clubs and yacht clubs and hotels selling alcohol. Which is really important if you are an American GI that's been cooped up in SA for 2 or 3 or more months.

There is more gold in Bahrain than I ever guessed existed in the entire world. Imagine going to your local mall and every single store sells nothing but gold jewelry. Whole blocks of shops selling every kind of gold jewelry, more than you can imagine. It was unbelievable really.

Posted by: Nate at February 1, 2006 09:00 AM

That was one of the things I noticed, too--the gold souk. All sorts of Bahraini bling for your baby.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 09:05 AM

We wouldn't want you going off your meds. I suspect we wouldn't like you off your meds. I can see it now, shirt bursting, skin turning green, a loud growl....er groan.

Posted by: Larry Anderson at February 1, 2006 09:06 AM

But why is it my shirt only bursts around the middle?

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 09:10 AM

Well at least you would still have your shirt pocket.

Posted by: Sarah G. at February 1, 2006 09:23 AM

In most cases--unless all my other shirts are in the laundry bag and I have to wear that stupid pocketless rag.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 09:26 AM

Then it would be a rag and you would be free to get a proper pocketed shirt. Of course I must ask, do you have the purple pants to complete the ensemble?

Posted by: Sarah G. at February 1, 2006 12:04 PM

Do Underoos count?

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 12:12 PM

Unless you are willing to wear them outside of your pants (and even then it is questionable), no.

Posted by: Sarah G. at February 1, 2006 12:16 PM

Do lederhosen count?

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 12:37 PM


Posted by: Sarah G. at February 1, 2006 01:01 PM


Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 01:02 PM

Now you are just getting silly.

Posted by: Sarah G. at February 1, 2006 01:04 PM


Posted by: Terry Oglesby at February 1, 2006 01:11 PM