January 12, 2006

Ever'body gotta have a hobby, I suppose, but...

...this is a bit more than I'd be interested in taking up for relaxation.

Although, in fairness, it's probably a lot cheaper than messing with old cars.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at January 12, 2006 12:44 PM

Are they sure that's a world record? I'm pretty sure I kissed my ex-wife more than 50 times in a period of 10 minutes. "Hey-O!"

Posted by: helluva at January 12, 2006 01:03 PM

::snort:: That is some wild, wacky stuff...

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at January 12, 2006 01:09 PM

The Lord has a way of weeding stupid people out of the gene pool.

Posted by: skinnydan at January 12, 2006 01:12 PM

Can anyone see a "Darwin Award" coming from this?

Posted by: Larry Anderson at January 12, 2006 01:16 PM

Oh, you guys! I'm sure it's perfectly safe.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at January 12, 2006 01:21 PM

You are right sir!

Posted by: jim at January 12, 2006 07:00 PM