OFTEN, given that the name of this blog incorporates the word "possum," visitors come here searching for information about the beloved Didelphis virginiana. Such is the case with one such person in the vicinity of Pampa, Texas, who wanted to know, simple possum facts to tell kindergarten age children.
NOT BEING ONE to wish to disappoint anyone, I would be glad to supply the aforementioned information about the possum.
1) Possums are not quite as smart as earthworms, but have been able to quite handily outscore Howard Dean, M.D., in various tests of mental accuity.
2) Possums are able to legally drive cars, but few pass the exam without running over themselves.
3) Possums will attempt to evade danger by telling long-winded, humorless stories. Then they will fall over and play dead.
4) Possums have more teeth (50) than any other North American land mammal. (That one's true, actually.)
5) Possums will eat anything, but their favorite snack is kindergarten age children.
6) Possums can grow to heights of over 18 feet tall, and can weigh up to 9,000 pounds.
7) Possums have hind feet with an opposable thumb. The only reason they have not taken over the world is the difficulty inherent in trying to hold tools with their feet.
8) Possums cannot fly, although they can hover in midair for brief periods.
I certainly hope these facts are useful to you as you go about your teaching duties!
Posted by Terry Oglesby at January 5, 2006 09:18 AM