It's the return of an old friend of Possumblog, this time with a brand new blog! Now, you might have known her in a previous bloglife as Sugarmama, but she has been rehatched as Megabeth, and her new digs are right here. AND, if you've been hankering for something hot and spicy, rest assured that the Salsa Review is back up and running properly again, too!
Welcome back, ma'am!
UPDATE: She writes to say that "The M with a dot on top is pronounced ememmmmwmwmwwowwuueeeeeu." But of course.
UPDATE II: And for those who like small dogs with bulgy round eyes, it's RUBIES!!
Posted by Terry Oglesby at December 20, 2005 12:26 PMThanks for announcing my new blog! I am looking forward to the new venture.
Posted by: megabeth at December 20, 2005 12:43 PMYou're entirely welcome.
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at December 20, 2005 12:53 PM