November 29, 2005

What's worse than a Possumblog filled with meaningless tripe?

A Possumblog with NO meaningless tripe, or anything else, for that matter! Although some might breathe a sigh of relief at the sudden stoppage of fooferall around here, there are probably some hearty souls who will no doubt be in great anguish that the paying gig will take up a goodly portion of tomorrow morning's prime blogging time.

I would like to thank all both of you for your votes of confidence in the vapidity and irrelevance of Possumblog, and I intend to reward your patronage with photos of my recent trip to Lester Ferguson's Museum of Nostril-Hair Paintbrushes!

But, only after I get back into work tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 29, 2005 04:16 PM

I need my daily dose of possum flavored meaningless tripe! Ideally deep fried and on a stick.

Phtttuuup to the paying gig.

Posted by: Sarah G. at November 30, 2005 01:17 PM

Your wish is my command! Within reason.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 30, 2005 01:48 PM