November 17, 2005

Time once more for More Mean-Spirited Taunting of the Opponent!

And oldie but a goodie.

An Auburn and an Alabama engineering student were working for a road contractor one summer. At lunchtime, they both sat down on the edge of the unfinished bridge they were building and opened their lunchboxes. The Auburn student exclaimed, "Hot dogs AGAIN! If I EVER get hot dogs in my lunch again, I swear I'm gonna jump of this bridge and kill myself!" The Alabama student opened his lunchbox and pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Peanut butter and jelly again! If I EVER get another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch again, I swear I'm gonna jump off this bridge and kill myself!"

The next day arrived, and as they sat on the bridge about to eat lunch, the Auburn student pulled out his lunchbox. Sure enough, hot dogs. He threw down his box in disgust and flung himself to his death. The Alabama student looked in his lunchbox, and, as you can guess, he had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And, as was his promise, he plunged headlong off the bridge to his demise.

At the funeral, the mothers of the two students tried to console each other. The mother of the Auburn student cried, "If I'd only known how much he hated hot dogs, I would have made him something different!" The mother of the Alabama student wailed, "I just don't understand! My poor son made his own lunch every day!"

Now then, I'm gonna go have lunch with My Friend Jeff and swap magazines. I promise we will not be near any bridges.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 17, 2005 11:08 AM