November 04, 2005


As far as I know, one is scheduled.

What will be done during it?

I have no idea. I had sorta wanted to get my dashboard changed out, but this week we learned that Oldest has a choir deal down at the University of Alabama, and that's going to require travel and various other ordeals. AND, the cool silent movie project that we had to dress Boy up for last week seems to have hit a post-production snag of the most egregious sort. The mom who shot the thing apparently couldn't produce a playable copy, and therefore the entire production must be RESHOT! Tomorrow. So, that will entail yet more ordealing and stuff, and so it looks like there's just going to be absolutly no time to play at all. Because sometime in there we've got to also clean house and do laundry. And sleep.

For some reason, I have been inordinately sleepy the last three nights. I'm fine until about 10:30, and then it's as though I've been pole-axed. It's like being given a shot of anesthesia--I can't NOT go to sleep. And then, to make matters worse, it's not even a particularly restful unconsciousness.

Ah, but at least the trees are pretty.

All of you have a great weekend, and Lord willing I'll see you all bright and early Monday.

Posted by Terry Oglesby at November 4, 2005 04:00 PM